Sunday, January 27, 2013


The following is a conversation that I recently overheard:

- We all agreed that we would be here every week.
~We said that we should be here every week.
- That's what I said.
~It's not the same thing.
- It is to me.
~Obviously not to everyone, or they would be here.

I had to laugh, because I can relate to this. While giving a massage I often ask "Is the pressure too deep?"  A common response is, "It's OK.". Well, that could mean a wide range of things; from, "it could be deeper" to "you're killing me, but I know that I need it".  I usually need to follow with a few more questions to determine how to proceed. To get the most benefit, communication is extremely important during massage. Ask questions and give feedback to you're therapist; especially if it is your first time working together. Over time a therapist and client develop better understanding, however, this is all the more reason for better communication. Speak to your massage therapist about any changes that have occurred since you last worked together.  Remember that mind reading is not a perfect science.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Following my own advice...

I wanted to let everyone know that I do follow my own advice. I am drinking water and soaking my feet as I write this today. Trying a Hydrogen Peroxide soak that I saw on Pinterest ( yes, I am addicted to Pinterest) . Usually I use Epsom's Salt for my foot soak, but wanted to try something different.

added heated stones to a foot soak helps to keep the water warm longer
The weather has been very erratic this year.  Today the temperature is 65 degrees Fahrenheit. The meteorologists are forecasting snow for tomorrow. Of course they also forecast snow last week, but we didn't see any where I live. The temperature has been like a roller coaster ride. That could be a contributing factor to the prevalence of people suffering from the flu virus.

If you are one of these unfortunate people, please, remember that influenza is a contraindication for massage. During the initial stages, when you are not sure if you have it or not, the influenza virus is most contagious. Getting a massage at this stage will make you feel worse and expose your massage therapist to the virus. This not only effects them, but potentially all of their other clients. If you are running a fever, or just don't feel well, contact your therapist to discuss the situation and most likely reschedule your appointment. I had this come up during my last trade. I did not have a fever, but did have an occasional cough and was feeling generally run down and achy. My massage therapist and I discussed the situation and decided that it would be in both of our best interest to not do the massage. I saw my doctor a couple of days later to find out that it was not the flu, but simply an allergy. Now we can do the trade and both feel good about it.

Well, my feet feel great! They are a little dry, but that is normal for me in the winter. Time for me to get my husband's feet soaking and put some lotion on mine.