As I was trying to make this decision I received a text from my Monday evening client stating that she was having difficulties and had made an appointment with her doctor for this week. She didn't feel up to coming for her massage. No problem, I agreed that it would be best to consult with her doctor before seeing me again. I had not confirmed the second client booked for Monday evening. She did not come for her appointment, because she was in the ER with a debilitating migraine. I would not wish that on anyone, but it worked out to my favor.
Tuesday morning brought on an earache to go with my sore throat. I did not have any clients scheduled, but my LH (loving husband) and I work BINGO at our local VFW on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Since I do the inventory on Tuesday night and have limited contact with people; I determined that it was OK for me to attend. I made it through the evening without any problems.
Wednesday morning I was feeling very poorly. I slept most of the morning hoping that I would feel better before having to get ready for my 2:30 client. Upon checking my phone messages, however, I discovered that she wouldn't be coming. Her Granddaughter was born in the early morning hours. She was out of the state. I was off the worry hook.
I will leave out the details, but Wednesday night my condition was worse. I do not have any other clients scheduled for this week and will not be making any. I am resting, drinking hot tea, and counting my blessings.
How do you handle situations when there isn't a 'good' choice? Do you hope for the best and let things work themselves out? or do you make a decision and take action?
I know that I should have called my Wednesday client on Tuesday and rescheduled. When you are a care giver, whether it be a mom, a doctor, or somewhere in between; it is difficult to remember that in order to take care of anyone; you first have to take care of yourself.