This week brings us to Awareness, part 3 of an ongoing series based on "
The Traits of an Energy Practitioner" by John Kroneck (July/august 2013 'massage & bodywork'). If you have not been following along, that's alright, just jump in here and then click the links to review the previous blogs.
- Stillness
- Presence:
- Non attachment
- nonresistance
- non-judgment
- Beginner's Mind
- Acceptance
- Inspiration
- Responsibility
- Kindness Quotient
Pure awareness is shown in the ability to notice without letting the mind fill in the story that seems to be involved. There are times we are pulled off awareness because we think we know what the next step is and then start projecting what we think is true. Once this happens, being aware of the present moment is lost. The action of being aware is simply noticing what is taking place without projecting our own beliefs, desires, or ideas on the issue. There is an intimate interconnection with the actions of awareness and present moment. That is, to be in the present moment, we must be aware of the moment. Likewise, when our awareness is pure, we find ourselves living in the present moment. How is your mastery of being aware? -- John Kroneck
Have you every driven home from work and then wondered how you got there? You know the way so you don't even think about it; you are not fully aware. What happens when there is an accident or construction and you are required to take a different route? You no longer know what is next and therefore must be more aware of your surroundings and what you are doing.
As a massage therapist have you become set in a certain routine? Do you always start with your client face down? Have you been lost in your own thoughts and can't remember if you worked on a certain muscle or for how long you have been holding a trigger point?
During a conversation are you listening to everything that is being said? Or are you already thinking of your response?
Leave a comment with ways that you stay aware.