Thursday, October 31, 2013

Traits for Self Healing Part 9: Responsibility

Part  9 of a 10 Part series based on the article "The Traits of an Energy Practitioner" by John Kroneck (July/august 2013 'massage & bodywork'). This week's post is on Responsibility.
  1. Stillness
  2. Presence:
  3. Non attachment
  4. Beginner's Mind
  5. Acceptance
  6. Inspiration
  7. Responsibility
  8. Kindness Quotient
Accepting responsibility for our interpretations, perceptions, and intentions of given situations is a vital dynamic to spiritual growth.  The act of owning responsibility  for our interpretations, perceptions, and intentions has a vibration and frequency of energy that colors our inner experience and the environment around us.  To be clear, we are not being asked to accept responsibility for others' interpretations and actions.  To know the difference is an important skill to develop.  As we embrace that which we are responsible for, we are more likely to become aware of opportunities to influence the respective state of affairs.  At the heart of how we perceive and interpret situations, as well as the intentions behind our actions, are the beliefs that we carry defining ourselves.  Accepting responsibility involves the willingness for self-awareness and the readiness to take action that adds value to the given experience.  How is your mastery of accepting responsibility?--John Kroneck

 I often perceive a situation to be in my favor when I really have no bearing on the outcome.  My perception and interpretation may be selfish or self-centered.  I feel that taking responsibility for my actions is much easier than taking responsibility for my emotions behind the actions.  When I take responsibility for my feelings I am better able to control my actions. Our interpretations can only come from what we have experienced and therefore our intentions tend to also be the same.

We are responsible for our actions, but NOT for how others react to them.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Everybody Deserves a Massage

Just wanted to share this video with my readers.

Enjoy the rest of your week and don't forget to schedule your next massage.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Traits for Self Healing Part 8: Inspiration

Part  8 of a 10 Part series based on the article "The Traits of an Energy Practitioner" by John Kroneck (July/august 2013 'massage & bodywork'). Today's topic is Inspiration.
  1. Stillness
  2. Presence:
  3. Non attachment
  4. Beginner's Mind
  5. Acceptance
  6. Inspiration
  7. Responsibility
  8. Kindness Quotient
Intention drives our creative processes.  Bringing into our awareness an inspired vision of who we are and who we are to become fuels the creation of an intentional reality.  When problems appear in our lives, there is a tendency to focus so intently on the problem that an individual may define himself by the problem.  This type of focus also drives our creative processes. Keeping our consciously chosen intention clearly in focus will help us move forward in a chosen future.  How we inspire ourselves is unique to each individual.  The key is to identify and engage in practices that help us focus on our highest and best selves.  How is your mastery of inspired vision?--John Kroneck
I believe that inspiration may have a small or large scope. It can be be anything from a recent continuing education class to new music causing you to  change your 'normal' routine.  When I was a child, my mother worked standing on her feet a lot and asked for someone to rub her feet. Today one of my main modalities is reflexology.  I have a set of black out curtains that I really love the pattern and color.  They do not match the color my massage room is painted. While searching for a rug to place in the room, I looked for something to go with the paint scheme. Instead I found a rug that goes perfectly with the blackout curtains. Soon I will be repainting the room. Michael J Fox inspires me to focus on the things that I can do, not my limitations. What or who inspires you?