Traits for Self Healing Part 6: Beginners Mind
We are on week 6 of a 10 Part series based on the article "The Traits of an Energy Practitioner" by John Kroneck (July/august 2013 'massage & bodywork'). This week's topic is Beginner's Mind.
- Stillness
- Presence:
- Non attachment
- Beginner's Mind
- Acceptance
- Inspiration
- Responsibility
- Kindness Quotient
Beginner's MindHave you ever heard someone say, "We've always done it that way."? I believe that is the furthest you can get from a beginner's mind. I hope to always be a student; willing to learn new ideas. What ways do you use to keep things from becoming stagnate?
This trait has to do with a belief that anything is possible that even preconceived ides, rules, or standards can change. Once we think we know "the way things are" and that this cannot change, we block ourselves from recognizing other opportunities that may evolve with an issue. A beginner's mind is open to untold possibilities and is willing to give the creative process and opportunity to play itself through without rushing to a final resolution. In the emptiness of the beginner's mind is found fertile ground for the unfolding of creative ideas, adventures, and even new life. How is your mastery of the beginner's mind?--John Kroneck
I start a client's massage in a different position occasionally. This requires me to pay more attention to different areas. It also allows the client feel the massage differently and listen to their body.