We are on week 5 of a 10 Part series based on the article "
The Traits of an Energy Practitioner" by John Kroneck (July/august 2013 'massage & bodywork'). Today we are focusing on nonjudgment, a part of non attachment.
- Stillness
- Presence:
- Non attachment
- Beginner's Mind
- Acceptance
- Inspiration
- Responsibility
- Kindness Quotient
The ability to accept what we see in ourselves, without casting judgment, is also an important trait. Once judgment is cast on a feeling, thought, or intention that emerges from within during a healing process, there is a tendency to easily slip into self-shaming. Human beings are capable of a wide range of feelings, thoughts, and intentions, but some of these are not always considered "holy" in their nature. Having the ability to own these and to accept these as indicators of an issue on our journey, without casting judgment, allows for us to move beyond these dynamics, releasing the misqualified energies and reintegrating in a healthier manner. Although we are always responsible for our actions toward others, the inner healing process must have room for us to be honest with how we interpret the world we live in. This room expands when we understand the benefits of nonjudgment, then practice it well. How is your mastery of nonjudgmental thinking?--John Kroneck

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